Product Name: SOC-in-a-Box
Product Categories: Cybersecurity, Compliance, Risk Management
Netizen's "SOC-in-a-Box" rapidly deploys pre-staged software, services, and documentation to cloud, hybrid and on-premise environments to assess, certify, and monitor the security and compliance status of IT infrastructure for companies of nearly every size and type at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.
Clients have used this solution to meet stringent compliance program requirements such as ISO 27001, FISMA, NIST RMF, and CMMC/NIST 800-171, as well as to significantly enhance and centralize their overall security operations. Our solution performs this at a fraction of the cost of doing this in-house or with other vendors.
Learn more in our attached brochure and whitepaper, including some of the technologies and standard configurations we employ to make this possible.